REE introduces the use of drones in Tarragona for the maintenance of high voltage power lines



They premiere in Aiguamúrcia and will soon be used to review the axis between Mequinenza and Constatí and Pallars Sobirà.

Red Eléctrica Española (REE) began this Tuesday in Camp de Tarragona the inspection work on high-voltage power lines through the use of drones that allow the status of the lines to be reviewed without the need for operators to have to climb the towers. This new technology will be used in the coming weeks to review the lines on the axis between Mequinenza and Constantí and also to review the line between Llavorsí and Tavascan. REE has a total of eight state-of-the-art devices that allow it to fly over the lines and inspect their condition in a more effective, efficient and safer way, according to company sources.

According to the delegate of Red Eléctrica in Catalonia, José Ignacio Lallana, “the use of drones is a first step to advance in the implementation of next-generation technologies and big data for the review of lines and the preventive detection of any incident”.

The company has a team of operators specialized in the use of drones who this Monday began their work in the core of Pla de Manlleu, in the municipality of Aiguamúrcia, and the 220 kV axis that connects Magraners (Lleida) and Begués (Barcelona).

For Lallana, “today has been a very positive experience that allows us to advance in the implementation of advanced technology and the use of increasingly respectful techniques in the environment.” “Very soon, this will be standard practice across the entire power grid,” he concluded.


Source: Diari Més Digital